Predictions Timeline
Average Guess: 19.4in
Average in the US: 20.2 in
Average Guess: 7 lbs 1 oz
Average in the US: 7lb 10oz
Pool Stats
Participants: 2
Predictions: 8
Average Guess: 19.4in
Average in the US: 20.2 in
Average Guess: 7 lbs 1 oz
Average in the US: 7lb 10oz
Participants: 2
Predictions: 8
August 30, 2017 by Morgan Porter
We get a good bit of traffic here on and after seeing the devastation down in Texas, we had to at least try to help. With … Read more
Belly Freebie: What Lies Beneath
March 25, 2015 by Morgan Porter
July 28, 2014 by Jennifer
Flutters, Kicks, and Rolls: A Primer on Fetal Movement
May 30, 2014 by Jennifer
The NT Scan: Should You Do It?
May 2, 2014 by Jennifer
5 Fabulous Cloth Diaper Tips (No, You Haven’t Heard Them All!)
April 3, 2014 by Jennifer
Birth Story: Chorioamnionitis and Eight Days in the Hospital
March 18, 2014 by Mollee Sullivan
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